Learning with MYMOOD

Learning with MYMOOD

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Learning with MYMOOD is a learning platform, with content in English and Italian, to experience technological innovation and serve as a reference point for teachers and students interested in teaching and learning the English language through new technologies. Access to the reserved area of the site is by registration and lets you view and share more specific content.
Scritto da M. P.   

What is biology?

The word biology means "the study of life" and is derived from the Greek words bios meaning life and logos meaning study. It is defined as the science of life and living organisms. Biology is a broad field, covering from the chemistry of our cells to the study of ecosystems and global climate change. Biologists study the interactions of life. They study how living things interact with their environment and depend upon other living and nonliving things to aid their survival.They study from intimate details of the human brain to the composition of genes and the functioning of our reproductive system. They also study problems and propose solutions.

Scritto da M. P.   

What is chemistry?


Chemistry is the branch of science that studies matter, that is to say properties, composition and structure of substances and the changes they undergo when they combine or react under specified conditions. Matter is anything that has mass and occupies space,  anything we can touch or hold. Chemistry can be divided into fields, according to either the substances studied or the types of study conducted.

Scritto da M. P.   

What is biotechnology?

The word biotechnology comes from the Greek words bios meaning life and technikos meaning involving human knowledge and skills. Biotechnology can be defined as the controlled and deliberate manipulation of biological systems, whether living cells or cell components, for the efficient manufacture or processing of useful products. It makes use of biological systems and processes to produce products and provide services.
Scritto da M. P.   

Infectious diseases

Infectious diseases have represented throughout history the most important cause of death for the human beings and are still a major problem for public health worldwide. An infectious disease is a disease caused by a micro-organism that enters the body. The term micro-organism defines bacteria, protozoa, fungi, viruses and algae, all organisms that have a diameter less than 0.1 mm and are visible only under a microscope. Many micro-organisms are composed of single cells (unicellular), some others of more cells (multicellular) and others, like viruses, do not have a proper cellular structure.

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