Learning with MYMOOD

Scritto da M. P.   
Martedì 01 Ottobre 2013 17:11



Hamlet is one of the deepest and most complex works by William Shakespeare and the most debated and analyzed in every time and country. Written during the first part of the seventeenth century the tragedy deals with the story of a Danish prince whose uncle murders the prince's father, marries his mother, and claims the throne. Hamlet, the prince, pretends to be mad and refuses the love of Ophelia but puts off his revenge to the end. The play ends with the death of Hamlet after stabbing the king  and making him drink off the rest of a poisoned cup prepared for him.

Scritto da M. P.   
Lunedì 05 Novembre 2012 15:56

Describing personality


What's your best friend like? How would you describe his/her personality?  Read the following description:

My best friend is one of my schoolmates. Her name is Sara and we have known each other since we were 10 years old. Sara is very intelligent and ready and she has very good marks at school. She is quite sensible and she helps me when I need it. She is shy but very sincere with people. She likes surfing the net, she has got her own computer and goes online every day. She also likes going out with her friends, listening to rap music and watching TV.

Scritto da M. P.   
Mercoledì 25 Maggio 2011 16:59

Twinkle, twinkle, little star 


Twinkle twinkle little star,

How I wonder what you are.

Up above the world so high,

Like a diamond in the sky.

Twinkle twinkle little star,

How I wonder what you are.

Scritto da M. P.   

Formazione a distanza, e-learning, blended learning

istruzione a distanzaL’uso di una varietà di strumenti tecnologici e digitali per connettere insegnanti, allievi e contenuti superando le distanze geografiche, ha permesso di superare gli ostacoli spaziali e temporali esistenti nell’apprendimento e nell'insegnamento tradizionali.

Il tema dell’apprendimento a distanza è in continua evoluzione, si parla di FaD ovvero formazione a distanza, apprendimento online, e-learning e blended learning. Permane un certo pregiudizio che porta a considerare il corso a distanza un surrogato del corso in presenza, privo di vantaggi quali l’interazione e la possibilità di comunicare.

Scritto da M. P.   
Giovedì 18 Giugno 2015 09:47

The Future of eLearning


Initially computers seemed quite away from the classroom but, with the popularization of the web several decades later, possibilities in e-learning grew exponentially. The last few decades have seen dramatic changes in the field of learning technologies that are influencing the nature of the classroom, how students learn and how teachers teach. Global economic and social change, industry diversification and increased competition are all having an enourmous impact.The e-learning domain is currently evolving.

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