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Scritto da M. P.   
Domenica 28 Ottobre 2012 18:39



Halloween is one of the most popular holidays celebrated by millions of people. All Hallows Eve is the evening before All Saints Day, on October 31st, the last day of the Celtic calendar. It was originally a pagan holiday, honoring the dead and dating back to over 2000 years ago. Later the Catholic church honored saints on the following day. The Celts believed the souls of the dead roamed the streets and villages at night. Since not all spirits were thought to be friendly, gifts and treats were left out to pacify the evil and ensure next year's crops would be plentiful. This custom evolved into trick-or-treating. Typical Halloween activities include trick-or-treating, attending costume parties, carving pumpkins into jack-o'-lanterns, lighting bonfires and apple bobbing.


La metodologia CLIL


L’apprendimento integrato di lingua e contenuto (CLIL) richiede un insegnamento basato sulla consapevolezza di dover insegnare in lingua straniera, o seconda lingua, contenuti relativamente complessi a persone che non parlano quella lingua come lingua madre. L’insegnante CLIL ideale è laureato ed abilitato ad insegnare sia una disciplina sia una lingua straniera. Data la difficoltà di reperire questo tipo di docente, la soluzione potrebbe essere la co-docenza, la collaborazione fra docente di disciplina e di lingua, oppure, nei gradi scolastici più elevati, la formazione a livello linguistico e metodologico dei docenti di discipline non linguistiche. La componente metodologica è un elemento chiave perché occorre sapere insegnare quella particolare disciplina ma anche prestare attenzione alla lingua straniera con attività di supporto all’apprendimento linguistico.

Scritto da M. P.   
Venerdì 05 Giugno 2015 16:53



Once upon a time there was a beautiful girl called Cinderella and she had two ugly stepsisters who were very unkind and made her do all the hard work. One day a special invitation arrived at Cinderella's house. It was from the royal palace. The king's son, a truly handsome prince, invited the three girls to a party. When the day of the ball came, Cinderella helped them put on their expensive new dresses and she arranged their jewels just so.

Scritto da M. P.   
Domenica 02 Dicembre 2012 15:44

Alternative energy


Energy is the ability of a physical system to do work on other physical systems. Our primary energy supply consists of fossil fuels such as coal, oil and natural gases used to heat homes, to produce  electricity and to fuel our automobiles and means of transport. Fossil fuels formed from plants and animals lived hundreds of millions of years ago are buried under the Earth’s surface where their remains are transformed into the combustible materials that we use for fuel. We are also experiencing nuclear energy from the splitting of atoms but  it is not likely to be a major source of energy because of public pressure and the dangers associated. Alternative energy means energy produced from sources different from our primary energy supply.

Scritto da M. P.   
Domenica 28 Ottobre 2012 09:53

Food and drink


British food is mostly based on beef, lamb, pork, chicken and fish and it is generally served with potatoes and other vegetables. Many of British dishes are based on sandwiches, fish and chips, pies and roasts dinners. The traditional English breakfast consists of cereals, milk and sugar, bacon and eggs, toast and marmalade, and a cup of tea or coffee. But people don't have it very often now, they prefer eating less in the morning.

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