Parole chiave di ricerca chemistry Totale: 5 risultati trovati.

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Risultati della ricerca

  1. What is chemistry?

    Categoria: LEARNING ENGLISH/English for Science

    What is chemistry?   Chemistry is the branch of science that studies matter, that is to say properties, composition and structure of substances and the changes they undergo when they combine or react ... Giovedì 09 Maggio 2013
  2. What is biotechnology?

    Categoria: LEARNING ENGLISH/English for Science

    ... to produce products and provide services. In simple terms, biotechnology is the use of living organisms by humans. It is the science for our century and it involves biology, chemistry, physics, ... Sabato 25 Giugno 2011
  3. The chemistry of food and nutrition

    Categoria: LEARNING ENGLISH/English for Science

    The chemistry of food and nutrition     Any substance which repairs the functional waste of the body, increases its growth, or maintains the heat, muscular, and nervous energy can be defined as a food. Nutrients ... Venerdì 24 Giugno 2011
  4. What is biology?

    Categoria: LEARNING ENGLISH/English for Science

    ... Biology is a broad field, covering from the chemistry of our cells to the study of ecosystems and global climate change. Biologists study the interactions of life. They study how living things interact ... Martedì 24 Maggio 2011
  5. Chemistry Lab Safety Rules

    Categoria: LEARNING ENGLISH/English for Science

    Chemistry Lab Safety Rules   The chemistry laboratory is a place of discovery and learning that can become a place of danger if proper precautions aren't taken. Read the most important rules to follow ... Venerdì 20 Maggio 2011

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