Edinburgh Festivals 


Edinburgh is a festival city, with 12 different festivals to choose from and 2,500 different events on offer. August is the most action-packed month, demand is high and they recommend booking accommodation at least six months in advance. But you can plan a trip in another time of the year: in Spring you can catch the Edinburgh International Science Festival and the Imaginate Children's festival, in Autumn you can listen to the sounds of the Storytelling Festival and in Winter you can party the end of the year with Edinburgh's Hogmanay, the best New Year's party on earth.

   You’ll have choice of accommodation and throughout the year general booking advice also applies with midweek stays more cost effective and deals available on longer stays. Choose a place to stay first, then what to see. You’ll get better accommodation and more places to choose from.

Visit the Official Edinburgh festivals Website

Planning your trip

 Choose and watch a video clip

Visit Edinburgh

Interactive brochure




Language practice:

Talking about experiences


Have you ever been to Edinburgh?

Yes, I have. I have been there three times.

When did you last go there?

I went there last summer for the festival.

Did you enjoy it?

Yes, I did. It was great.

PRESENT PERFECT + ever, never

The adverbs ever and never express the idea of an unidentified time before now e.g.

Have you ever visited Scotland?

Ever and never go before the past participle. Ever is used in questions. Never in negative sentences.

Have you ever been abroad?

My mother has never tried Chinese food.



To Learn more about the present perfect, visit the following sites:


